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- ---+--- Die **Starchamber** supplied the game ---+---
- | Kreutzen Call 'em at 513-752-1544 |
- | Presents: |
- 8/11/87: Stayed up all night and finally got through this baby. By far
- the greatest graphic adventure to hit the ST.
- Unfortunately, SKILL is a major part of this game and makes a
- clear-cut solution impossible to document. That's good in a way because I
- don't want to ruin the fun. Start by following these basic guidelines:
- 1. Throw ye old joystick on a pyre for this game. Use it and forget
- it!
- 2. <G>et stuff without stopping (in case you are walking or running),
- and ALWAYS use the keyboard <G> command, so you don't waste time
- shuffling between menus (lots can happen in that time).
- 3. You must ATTACK to KILL in this game, so in this document, "attack"
- and "kill" mean the same thing.
- 4. I've found it useful to use the keyboard and the mouse in many
- instances. ATTACK refers to use of the icon--<A>ttack refers to use
- of the keyboard.
- The screens aren't numbered, so in order to follow this
- document, so try to pay close attention to how many screens you've
- completed. (I tried to make it as simple as possible)
- Here's those hints:
- Screen 1: WALK right--don't even try to do the game backwards. You die if
- you walk left.
- Screen 2: STOP about 1/3 into the screen. ATTACK when the monster's next
- jump will surely hit you.
- Screen 3: WALK up the stairs and JUMP immediately after you 1st see
- yourself emerging from behind the pillar (or whatever that is you
- walk behind)
- Screen 4: STOP and ATTACK without mercy. You should be able to kill it in 2
- swings. WALK to screen 5.
- Screen 5: I usually go DOWN the ladder here and let that hooded monster live
- all that violence makes me nauseous). If you live for adventure
- and wish to <G>et the arrow on the right of the screen, wait at
- the very left of the screen until the rockthrower throws his first
- rock. ATTACK the hooded monster and <G>et that arrow.(That guy
- make some wild soundz!)
- Screen 6: WALK down the stairs and take ONE (1) step on the GROUND (no more
- and no less). ATTACK the beast with one swing.
- Screen 7: RUN and then JUMP when you reach the 5th or 6th pair of planks on
- the bridge.
- Screen 8: STOP just on the other side of the 1st pillar. Start ATTACKing as
- fast and furiously as you can, until you kill your adversary.
- What's that junk on the ground? Walk DOWN the stairs, then a few
- steps towards the ladder. STOP, then turn and start WALKing
- right. Stop when you see something jump up and go down, trying
- to eat you on its way. Its safe after he disappears. Go <G>et
- that arrow!
- Screen 9: Press LEFT icon as you go down the ladder and be sure to run into
- the wall. When you've stopped (just by the ladder), turn RIGHT,
- RUN, and JUMP. Press JUMP before you see yourself take the first
- step here. You probably already know what happens if you don't.
- Now be sure to go DOWN the steps before you fall off the left
- ledge. That wimp on the ground level is easy to kill.
- Screen10: RUN, and go up the stairs to get the two arrows. If you don't RUN,
- then say hello to an arrow thru your ankles.
- Screen11: Just walk right up to your adversary and ATTACK him (without
- stopping first). <G>rab the two arrows, turn LEFT, and walk back
- down to screen 10.
- Screen10: If you chose not to go for the arrows, (believe me, you'll need
- 'em) RUN and JUMP when you see the little man shoot his arrow from
- a trap door on the ground. ATTACKing your adversary should be no
- problem. RUN off the screen. If you took the arrows, your
- adversary will be waiting for you when you reach ground level.
- Just turn RIGHT and ATTACK until he's dead. It's pretty simple to
- finish him off, just don't walk past him.
- Screen11: Just RUN. There's no traps here. get ready to go straight DOWN
- on the next screen.
- Screen12: Go down the ladder. There's The Evil One. Since he gave me
- access to his BARBARIAN file, I usually let him live.
- Screen13: Go DOWN (you've got no choice).
- Screen14: RUN LEFT off the ladder. Farewell if you don't.
- Screen15: This guy's no problem. ATTACK him whenever you want to. RUN, to
- save time
- Screen16: Go DOWN the stairs immediately. NO, YOU CANNOT KILL THE TIN MAN
- AND GET THE BOW, SO DON'T EVEN TRY. There's another bow you'll be
- able to get pretty soon. After you reach the ground, turn RIGHT
- and <G>et the arrow. Turn LEFT and RUN to screen 17.
- Screen17: RUN to and go DOWN th ladder and while you're descending, give the
- tin man the pink enema!!
- Screen18: Go LEFT to screen 19, and while RUNning, JUMP as you reach the
- fifth division (look from the ceiling) from the left of the
- screen. Run or WALK under the third division and get squashed!
- Screen20: WALK until your man is between the 1st and 2nd pillars. STOP, but
- the minute you see the rhino monster move from his rest, <A>ttack
- (use the keyboard here, not the icon). <G>et those arrows!! RUN
- back through screen 19, avoiding the trap in the same manner as
- before (jump at about the 2nd division from the left of the
- screen).
- Screen17: Your back where you stared from. Keep RUNning. Those striped
- monsters go through humans like they were floppy disks, but thier
- easy to jump. You can ALWAYS jump these guys by RUNning toward
- them, and JUMPing just as their feet hit the ground after the 1st
- jump. It always works.
- Screen18: STOP when you are just above the attack icon at the bottom of the
- screen. <A>ttack when Rover (that's the dog, of course) is in the
- air during his first jump. I thin I've wasted more time on him
- than the tin man.
- Screen19: Go DOWN that ladder!
- Screen21: Forget about the arrow! JUMP over that striped monster as
- described in screen 17.
- Screen22: RUN to the right of the screen, but STOP just short of entering
- screen 23. ATTACK to screen 23.
- Screen23: ATTACK 3 times. WHen your adversasry moves toward you, you will
- notice that he stops and raises his sword. As he lowers it,
- ATTACK him. WALK to screen 24.
- Screen24: There's your prize! Thart's the bow you're gonna need, but it
- won't be easy. Follow these steps quickly and carefully:
- 1. STOP immediately as you enter the screen (from screen 23)
- 2. JUMP to the platform
- 3. RUN to the bow
- 4. <G>et the bow
- 5. Turn LEFT, quick!!
- 6. <J>ump twice
- Just make sure that you <G>et the bow, because once you've got it,
- you'll be reincarnated with it if you die trying to leave the
- crumbling platform (assuming, of course, you have some lives left
- to come back with). Go back to screen 23, ATTACK your adversary
- the same way you did the 1st time, RUN to screen 22, go DOWN the
- ladder, and get ready to criss-cross your way from screen 25 to
- 27, ATTACKING 2 easy monsters on the way. TAKE MY ADVICE AND
- CONSERVE AS MANY ARROWS AS POSSIBLE (ie: don't use them at all
- until you get to the dragon).
- Screen28: <G>et the arrow on the left, then <G>et the one on the right. WALK
- RIGHT to screen 29.
- Screen29: Here's a good place to exchange your weapon. Select your bowfrom
- the weapons menu (choose center icon, then click the bow). You're
- gonna need it for the next screen.
- Screen30: <A>ttack TWICE with your bow. Immediately FLEE to outrun any
- fireballs the dragdon has breathed. (don't flee past screen 29)
- Screen31: After <G>etting all your stuff you left when you fled, RUN past
- screen 31. There should be a ladder leading up, but don't use it.
- Screen32: Immediately JUMP over the statue. <G>et that shield!!! It's the
- most important, and the last weapon you'll pick up. Turn LEFT, RUN
- toward the statue, but jump over it again before you reach it. If
- you don't jump, it's FRIDAY THE 13th REVISITED, man!
- Screen31: NOW, you go UP that ladder.
- Screen32: No biggies here. <G>et that arrow and proceed upward.
- Screen33: Another arrow to get. WATCH OUT if you decide to go right fresh
- off the ladder. If you do, that junk on the top platform may try
- to munch you again (you can't kill it). Go up the steps, to screen
- 34!
- Screen34: The Caveman on the top level will approach you, and after he lowers
- his hammer ATTACK him (remember, try to use your sword here in
- order to conserve arrows). RUN, and JUMP over the gap separating
- the two upper platforms.
- Screen35: You don't need to place your lives in danger here. If you're
- RUNning, then go straight UP the ladder.
- Screen36: WALK LEFT.
- Screen37: ATTACK adversary, then go UP ladder. WALK RIGHT, back to the upper
- level of screen 36.
- Screen36: ATTACK adversary. If you are not a good swordfighter, use arrows
- to kill all these cavemen. You're gonna have to become a good
- swordfighter in order to complete the entire quest, however. RUN
- IT'S A TRAP!! JUMP when you get near the three markings on the
- ceiling near the right end of the screen. I don't know what they
- are, but I know what's bound to happen if I hang around to find
- out.
- Screen39: THE PENDULUM!! Watch out!!! Get as close as you can to its swing,
- then immediately after it goes back up, RUN like there's no
- tomorrow. Ive had the most luck waiting just underneath the third
- line in the ceiling, then RUNning just after the pendulum
- disappears.
- Screen40: Go DOWN the ladder and ATTACK your adversary. Be careful to avoid
- the trap by RUNning to him. He's usually pretty easy to deal
- with.
- Screen41: Go DOWN the ladder without stopping. Don't worry about the arrow
- on the Right top of the screen--it's very heavily guarded. ATTACK
- your adversary on the bottom, then go down the ladder, to screen
- 42.
- Screen42: Go left, and <G>et the arrow, but don't get too far to the left,
- because as usual, there's a trap (I'll leave it to you to find out
- what it is). Go DOWN the ladder and ATTACK your adversary.
- Sometimes he's fairly difficult to kill, so use the bow if you
- need to.
- Screen43: You're nearing 50% completion! Go DOWN the stairs. DON'T WASTE
- GO DOWN TO FINISH THE GAME! ATTACK your adversary, and make sure
- you get your bow out before screen 44!
- Screen44: Wizard #1. Use an arrow to ATTACK him the minute you appear on
- this screen. If you get too close, get out your sheild and try to
- <D>efend yourself with it (he'll start hurling fireballs at you).
- Screen45: Two more wizards here. Now you know why you needed those arrows!
- Shoot 2 arrows in quick succession the minute you appear on the
- Screen46: WHERE'S THE CRYSTAL? You've got to kill this guy first! WALK
- toward him and <D>efend yourself the minute he hurls his fireball
- at you! Only his own fire can kill him (the fireball will bounce
- off your shield and hit him, exposing the crystal). WALK to the
- crystal and let the computer take over for a while.
- Now the only task that lay before you is to ATTACK your way
- back through the volcano, before it erupts. The same adversaries will
- confront you, and all traps will be reset.
- GOOD LUCK (you're gonna need it!)
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